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Mordechai Chuni Kahan MBE

Mordechai Chuni Kahan MBEChuni Kahan grew up as a member of the Orthodox Jewish Community in North London. In 1985 he set up a Property Investment and Management Company, which is still active. He volunteered as an Emergency Medical Technician for Hatzola North London for over 20 years.

He acts as liaison between the Met and North London Jewish Community, and it was his involvement in these community matters that led him to arrange a tour for several doctors, members of the MET, and LAS to the former concentration camps at Auschwitz-Birkenau in March 2008.

The success and impact of the tour was so resounding that it spurred Chuni into arranging regular subsidised tours for MET Officers, members of the public, and students. He has so far taken 1000s of people to the see the devastating effects of hatred and intolerance. He has also arranged for events where participants hear a Holocaust Survivor share his story and answer questions.

Chuni devotes much of his time volunteering as an ICV, lecturing at organised events include schools and MET Police. He carries out training and Power Point presentations at local police stations discussing how to achieve the desired outcomes in the course of carrying out their duties, while being sensitive to the cultural needs of the Jewish Community.

Chuni believes it is important to teach and educate individuals of all cultures, races, and creeds the consequences and divisive outcomes of hatred and extremist ideologies.

Chuni's work was recognised by HM The Queen in October 2020 when he received an MBE for his work in Holocaust Awareness and Education.

Gita Kahan

Gita KahanGita graduated from Avigdor High School in 1978 with 5 GCEs in Maths, English, British Constitution, Biblical Hebrew, and French. She continued her studies at Rabbi Royde’s Manchester Seminary, where she graduated in 1980.

Gita married Chuni Kahan in 1982 and dedicated her life to running a home, taking care of her husband and raising their seven children. She supports Chuni in all his community activities and is an integral cog in his machine. Gita has a passion for the tours and is actively involved in all decisions and organisation of both Holocaust Awareness and the Property Management and Investment business, of which she is director and partner.  

Gita is a member of the British Reflexology Association and has a keen interest in Biology and the science and workings of the human body. She also enjoys needlework, baking, travelling, and hiking in nature.

Judith Stein

Judith SteinBA English Language and Literature, MA English Literature

Judith graduated from Beis Malka High School in 1993. In 2000 she signed up with the Open University where she graduated with Honours in 2005 with a Bachelor’s in English Language and Literature. She went on to gain her Master’s in English Literature in 2008.

Judith has been working for Chuni Kahan since 1996 and has been assisting him with his Holocaust Awareness projects, trips, and other activities, since 2006. She has participated in the tours and is instrumental in the running and organisation of the tours and educational presentations.

In addition to her work for Chuni, Judith is a published freelance writer. She also has a passion for history and photography.